Across The Sky ^
New York City . 03 Feb - 09 Feb 2015by Nuttaphol Ma, in collaboration with artists from École Internationale de New York
Across the Sky draws inspiration from a site-specific performance in 2009 in Death Valley California where I constructed a handheld kite and ran with it towards the middle of Badwater Basin - the lowest point of continental US.
This collaborative installation comprised of objects, writings and drawings displays a process- based approach to discovering one’s own symbol associated with place and memory. Across the Sky is a collective mythology of our meanderings, our longing and not BE longing. As our kites take flight in the sky, we reflect on our surroundings, our neighbors, our families, our enemies. What are our wishes for the world? Some wishes are attached to our kites while some remain sheltered. In the end, we simply let go.
Collaborating artists include: Adam Antognelli, Baya Attard, Cora-Louise Benite Fleming, Lucile Benzaken, Philippine Bonnet, Frederick Buford, George Buford, Carmen Castille, Adrien Chanel, Maïa-Lys Cruickshanks, Marine d'Arbaumont, Maxence Damour, Eliott Datchary, Jonah Dauvet, Hugo Fuhrer, Gita Ines Gandelsman, Catalina Haberman, Clément Huang, Harrison Humphrey, Leo Kaiya, Léa Letellier, Paul Levilain, Massimo Michiels, Gregorio Morgillo, Oliver Navin-Roda, Jane O’Toole, Aline Perez, Eytan Sebbane, Lucca Soloff-Pellegrino, Adrien Valla, Sophia Veron, Nathan Viennet, Elden Wood

Details > releasing kites across the sky
Across the Sky . Opening Reception